Saturday 1 October 2011

God helps those who helps themselves

I'm not a Christian or mildly religious but I believe in this saying. Although instead of putting my faith in the old man upstairs, I would put it to society. For people growing up in the first world, where the unemployment benefit is higher than the student allowance and free education is available for 13 years followed by interest free student loans, I refuse to pity anyone in society. It's harsh and I'm aware that there will be those who need help and support to get through even in a first world society due to disabilities or extreme unfortunate events. I guess the people I want to target are those who prefer to hide under the shell of "dysfunctional family circumstances" or "lack of opportunities". If you're healthy and fit, I see no reason why you cannot succeed. This country gives everyone the right to EQUAL education, we take discrimination seriously and those within a "disadvantaged group" are already given priority despite my lack of understanding in why this is so.

There are those who are fortunate enough to be born into a well of loving family, and you're journey in life is smooth. You get the best education, you go to university and you get a high paying job. Life is simple. However, I would say most people aren't that fortunate. Parents get divorced, father loses job, company goes bankrupt....These things happen and they can really change a child's life forever. But I don't believe that means that you deserved to be pitied. I don't believe that means you deserve extra. I don't believe that means you deserve to sit on your ass and wait for someone to feed you because life is so bloody hard. God helps those who help themselves.

I look down on those people who at the first sight of pressure and unfortunate events fall and refuse to stand up again. They want for people to come and pity them, to help them and to steer their life in the right direction. On the other hand, I look up to those who despite bad experiences take life in their own hands and change it for the better. What society you are born in, what family you belong to is fate. You can't change it. What you can change is how you live your life. Success belongs to those who despite hardships and pain, choose to endure, walk that extra mile and make it happen. For those who want to take the easy way out, you deserve all the pain and suffering.

I believe that as long as one tries, they will succeed. I don't believe I should ever have to pity someone who doesn't try and blames it on life. Take the easy way out and you'll always be worse off. And guess what, you deserve every second of that life.